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Hey Y'all, I'm Dayla Weems! I firmly believe that every individual can be free to lead an intentional and organized life. This belief is rooted in my Christian faith, driving me to help others discover their capacity as they receive the right knowledge and guidance. Chaos has no place in our lives, and I'm dedicated to transforming the lives of millions by showcasing all the possibilities that intentional living brings—decluttered spaces, organized notes, and purpose-driven living. With a judgment-free approach, I inspire and challenge people to embrace a life like no other. I'm on a mission to empower others through intentional living and mastering organization. And this is reflected in all that I do - as a project manager, a productivity coach, and over a decade of experience as a professional organizer.


Beyond my professional pursuits, I'm fueled by a passion for serving others - I love people. Collaborating with community organizations and working alongside local professional organizers, I've been able to make a positive impact, donating old belongings and helping formerly homeless individuals transition to new homes. I'm also an avid bullet journaler, event planner, and decluttering enthusiast. I now primarily service communities in Hartford County, Connecticut, and constantly seeking opportunities for growth and development. Through my journey of sacrifice, prayer, worship, and obedience, I've been blessed to share Intent. A resource designed to showcase purposeful living and organizing that has the power to uplift lives and bring order to chaos. Together, let's embark on a journey of intentional living, unlock you potential and create a life that reflects your true purpose.




Why Intent? 


When I think of the word “intent,” I often times think of intense. When it comes to being successful it is not the plan that accomplishes that goal; but your intense intentions. Intent is a Christian company designed to help bring order into peoples lives. Our goal is to help people exercise the ability to be intentional with their decisions. We provide  services like professional organizing, productivity coaching, and project management to help you become more successful. 



When it comes to successful planning it is not the plan that causes you to be successful, but your intense intentions. It is your “why” that will push you into the next season, that will build your consistency, that will cause you to break out. My “why” is found in 1 John 3:8 which says, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and that is my purpose as well. Too often I see people dreaming with no tangible plan, no action steps, and this is a way the enemy keeps people in cycles of delay. If we look at Proverbs 21:5 “The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty,” you’ll understand that diligence and planning can lead you to abundance.


Intent means purpose, intentional, goal, target, and objective.


To be intentional is to apply knowledge and carry wisdom. Intent is a company that will provide you with the tools you’ll need to apply the knowledge you’ve been learning through your life and through scripture. Our goal is to manifest God’s kingdom on earth by bringing order. Our hope is that through our services, products, and resources you will find peace, joy and self-discipline. Ultimately, ways to become as organized, productive and consistent with all the goals, dreams and vision you have for yourself.





Giving Back


When you support Intent, we want you to know that you are also supporting the Church. Kingdom Full Tabernacle International Ministries, our home church, is one church that has a global mission. The Gospel is boldly proclaimed and lives are transformed through this church. Kingdom Full Tabernacle has a mission to manifest God’s kingdom on earth across the nation and around the world. Click here to learn more about Kingdom Full Tabernacle.






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