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What is a productivity resource?

Updated: Apr 4, 2020

A productivity resource is something you can utilize to become more productive.

Some of the first things that come to my mind when thinking of productivity resources are: journals, planners, sticky notes, etc. but a productivity resource is far more than that. here’s a few productivity resources you didn’t know that you needed. A planning system that works for you (tangible)

Often times we get bogged down trying to buy the cutest planner or cutest journal and neglect finding a system that actually works for you. Planning systems  are different for everybody. What works for me may not work for you, so rather than trying to find something that is aesthetically pleasing, find some thing that actually works. For me, are use a hybrid system. I write partially in a bullet journal and design weekly plans. But I also Use an app where I can type out every little list of things that I need to get done. You may work best in a planner and having everything laid out for you, I personally like designing my own teams and the flexibility of creating spreadsheets, because not every single one of my weeks looks the same. Whatever type of plan are you are, a planning system may work in your life needs to be found.

A calendar/schedule you can visibly see on a daily basis (visible)

secondly, well it’s good to find a system that works for you. I will see having something that is visible is another resource you’ll need. It’s all good to say aloud what you’re going to be doing, or even creating somewhere in the back of your mind a schedule for yourself, but when you have some thing that is visible, it changes the game. Keeping things in your head is a good way to create a high possibility of forgetting. The last thing you want whenever trying to become more productive, is to forget what you’re going on A task by task basis. Release your thoughts whether digitally or on paper, but somewhere and make it visible!

An accountability partner (personal)

lastly a great resource for you to have and one that I love to utilize as an accountability partner. Having accountability partners is what I truly believe to be a missing link to success in this walk of life. for me, one of my greatest fears is letting my closest friends or People that I love down. Now I know that they will show me grace, but the goal is to not let them down. So having an accountability partner is an extension of that, someone that can check in with you and make you more aware of your progress or lack of progress. This can be a way where you know you’re working towards your goals and becoming more productive.

now that you understand that productivity resources are not just something that is a physical item, but a resource to get you to be more productive, check out some of our tips! There are many Great pieces of advice from our CEO on YouTube and other blogs, be sure to check them out to get you closer to being as productive as you hope to be!

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