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5 Organizing Tips

Updated: Mar 17, 2020

I often get asked “what is your one biggest piece of advice when it comes to organizing?” It’s always hard for me to answer that question. I have learned over the course of my life that I couldn’t just put it into one organizing tip, so, in this blog I’ll share with you five organizing tips that have benefited my life, I trust that you’ll be able to benefit from them as well!

Create a Daily Routine

I think every single one of us at some point in time have had some sort of daily routine. We each every day  rise and go back to sleep at the end of the day which, if you think about it, is a sort of routine. I believe incorporating more things into those times of the day have helped me so much. But disclaimer: not all of us work the same. Some have a  “Get Ready” routine. I personally have a “Wind down” routine simply because I find myself with more time to spare at the end of the day opposed to my mornings. Daily routines are extremely valuable because it gives your day some sort of structure, it gives you something to look forward to, it gives some sort of purpose to the mundane bouts of life. If you’re wanting to improve some habits, adding it to your daily routine is a great way of being able to do that! I'm not saying to go and create an hour long routine, maybe 10-15 minutes of ONE habit, once it becomes normal, you can think of adding another one.

Five Second Rule

I’m also oftentimes asked how do you do what you do so consistently? The realist answer I can give is that I am inconsistent with so many things, but I have made a few things a part of my habits. One of them being to do something every single day to bring order to my life. How’d I do that? The Five Second Rule. And I’m not talking about when your food falls on the floor, counting to five and if you pick it up before five it is still good. No, not that five second rule. I’m talking about the Five Second Rule that was introduced by Mel Robbins. She has a book that you should totally check out if you’re interested about hearing about this even further. The five second rule is putting an action to your idea. If you think “hey I should take a moment to reach out to my friend,” the Five Second Rule is giving yourself five seconds to put that into action. This specifically breaks delay off of your life. Instead of making plans that go unfinished, you will  become a doer. Whenever you feel yourself begin to hesitate or procrastinate about doing something that you know for a fact you should do, give yourself a five second countdown and move towards that action.

Set Time Aside Daily for Organizing

As mentioned in my last organizing tip, I set time aside daily for organizing. Now, this isn’t necessarily one hour every single day, but maybe 10 or 15 minutes here and there. Each and every single person is different and every day looks different. Some people work best in the mornings, some people work best in the evenings, some can add organizing to their morning routines, some will have it during their lunch break. But whenever  you can find time to organize, do it. If you feel your entire life is chaotic and needs order, I would recommend setting aside three hours on one Saturday afternoon and say this Saturday is going to be this Saturday I will organize everything. Take a weekend and set yourself up to be successful! The beautiful thing about organizing is that once you take the time to find a system that works for you it is extremely easy to maintain it.

Organize Your Saved by Collections

On Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and other social media platforms, you have the option to “save” videos, pictures, and posts. If you didn’t know that - well, now you do! Organizing my “saved” was something I started doing maybe two years ago (whenever the feature came out), I found that whenever I saved a video whether it be for satisfying paint videos or a lipstick color I wanted to try, I noticed it would get lost in the mix and I could never actually find what I initially wanted to see in the first place! Instead of having a chaotic “saved” collection where I didn’t even know what was in there, I decided to create multiple collections based off of the things I was saving. Here are a few ideas of collections you can create: Life Hacks, Satisfying Videos, A Good Laugh, Outfit Ideas, Makeup, Wishlist, etc. I hope this trick helps you find those things in your saved quicker!

Sort Your Closet by Color

Fun fact about me, I have been organizing my closet by color since I was in the second grade! I’m not sure why I started, but I can explain to you why I do it now. There are many benefits for organizing your closet by color. One of them being that you can put together outfits really easily, another one being that it’s aesthetically pleasing, but the main reason as to why I do it now is because it saves money. How does it save money? Well instead of looking for a specific item and scavenging through your entire closet at one time you’ll know, “oh, I do have a pair of black slacks,” or “I do have a nice white top.” Since you actually know what items are in your closet, you’ll be less likely to buy repeat items! This has saved me so much time and money for as long as I can remember.

I hope these 5 organizing tips have blessed you, be sure to stay on the lookout and check out other blogs for inspiration and motivation.

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Rebecca Amonor
Rebecca Amonor

This was super helpful! I appreciate your emphasis to focus on implementing ONE habit before moving onto the next. Also I never thought about organizing my closet by color, I will definitely apply that. Thanks for sharing. God bless you :)

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